Our Mission

Improve health outcomes in Lake County through advocacy,   education, and access to community resources.


Our Vision

Improve outcomes through the hub of coordinated efforts and professional talents.

Our Story


The Lake County Community Action Team (LCCAT) is a multidisciplinary team composed of organizations, agencies, or individuals that work together to solve issues or barriers identified within Lake County’s geographical area and target population (e.g., at-risk or hard to reach populations, etc.). LCCAT has members from: Department of Child Services, Fetal Infant Mortality Review, The Indiana Health Department, Lake County Hospital Systems, Mental Health America, Firefighters, Law Enforcement, Juvenile Courts, local government and social service providers. LCCAT’s goal is to aligned with reducing infant mortality rates and ensuring children’s safety in our community so they celebrate their next birthday.

Improving safe sleep practices in Lake County has been identified as a key strategy for this groups as we continue to see preventable infant deaths as a result of co-sleeping, the use or soft bedding, and/or improper sleep positioning.  First responders and home visitors have a unique opportunity to educate the community about Infant Safe Sleep and provide immediate concrete support for families they encounter who do not yet have a safe sleep environment for their child.

Motor vehicle injuries are a leading cause of death among children in the United States. Many of these deaths can be prevented! Always buckling children in age- and size-appropriate car seats, booster seats, and seat belts reduces serious and fatal injuries by up to 80%.


The Board

Mike Sharp - Chairman

Mike is a Captain for St. John Fire Dept.

Risë Ratney - Co chairman

Risë is the Maternal Child Health Director for the Northwest Indiana Health Department Cooperative.

Wendy Hensley - Treasurer

Wendy is an Infant Mental Health Mentor and the Senior Director of Programs & Partnerships for Mental Health America of NWI

Vickie Rainwater - Secretary

Vickie is a Program Specialist for Mental Health America of NWI and certified in Infant Mental Health

Nicole Otis - Board Member

Nicole is the outreach director for Community Advocates of Northern Indiana (CANI).

Hope Robinson - Board Member

Hope is a Perinatal Navigation Coordinator with Powers Healthcare System.